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Why It's Not Enough to Just Eradicate Ebola
Mon, 2014-11-10 03:47 — mike kraftNBC NEWS Nov. 9, 2014
by Maggie Fox
The new U.S. plan to spend $6 billion fighting Ebola has a hidden agenda that aid workers approve of: not only stamping out the epidemic in West Africa, but starting to build a health infrastructure that can prevent this kind of thing from happening again.
Liberian nurses escort a suspec ted patient into the JFK nursing center in Monrovia, Sept. 18, 2014. Ahamed Jallanzo/EPA file
President Barack Obama's $6.18 billion request is an enormous amount of money — six times what the U.S. has already committed and far more even than what the World Health Organization says is needed.
Most is going for full frontal assault on Ebola — one that hasn’t really gotten off the ground yet...
But billions are also being quietly allocated to building a health care system in the countries suffering the most — a less sexy approach that could prevent another epidemic in the future.
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