I’m doing great. Busy as ever. Yes some exciting developments but right now we’re in budget season.
What’s a $100K or $200K community disaster resilience prep ask that we can include in the MCA’s budget effort? This amount typically is what we’ve been able to win. Think esp of something that would give commissioners a chance to look good. That’s what they like :-/
I’ve already got an ask started that asks Commissioners to require that the $200K we got last year for the Social Services Master Plan be spent in a way that addresses the ambitious community resilience goals laid out in Resilient 305.
We’re also making a number of extreme heat asks based on what Phoenix AZ is doing.
Florida's Adaptation Areas
founding member, Miami Climate Alliance
David McDougal 646-894-8025
Florida's Adaptation Areas
Florida's Adaptation Areas
founding member, Miami Climate Alliance
David McDougal 646-894-8025